BOGO Sales and Coupons Questions Answered BOGO Sales and Coupons Questions Answered One of top questions I get through emails or through comments is regarding BOGO Sales and BOGO Coupons. So, here is an explanation on how these sales and coupons work. ::BOGO Coupons with a Dollar Off Coupon Question: Can I use a dollar off Coupon with a BOGO Coupon. Answer: Yes and No. This question has 2 answers because there are certain things you need to look for to determine if you can use another coupon along with a BOGO coupon. You first need to determine if the BOGO Coupon attaches to 1 of the 2 products you are buying or if it attaches to both of the products you are buying. Numbers in the 10th & 11th place of the barcode (circled above) represent the dollar amount of the coupon. The only numbers you need to know are when there is a BOGO coupon. BOGOs (Buy One Get One Free) are either coded with a “14? , “01? or “00″. Here are what the codes ...