How to start a vegetable garden on the cheap!
It's that time of the year again. Time to start thinking about getting your garden going. If you've never done a garden and don't know where to start here are a few tips that I learned along the way.... The first thing you are going to need to do is have some dedicated space for your garden. If you live in an apartment it may be more of a challenge but not impossible. It this is the case you will probably need to plant your garden in containers. Here's a great article on container gardening Second step, get containers. You are going to need lots of them with good drainage. You can find these free sometimes at nurseries. The 6 packs are pretty much disposable anyway. They have so many plants that come in and a lot of these places would love to get rid of them. I got some a couple years back at a local nursery. They only charged me .25 a piece for the 5 gallons ones. I think I got like