
Hey everyone. I wanted to give you a quick update. Not done with this area but wanted to get that area looking nice because I truely feel the sleeping area is one of the most important things to focus on, after of course the kitchen and bathroom fuctionality. I love decorating so I did get a lot of other things done but got the bedroom about 75% done. I still need curtains and lighting fixtures replaced as well as touches like storage solutions. So far tiny living has been pretty easy, we like to be outside a lot anyway. I got a few cool things in the past couple days like a wood bunkbed that can be two beds or bunkbeds, a couple dressers to go in the rv and just orderwd a huge trampoline for the boys. I also got an antique sewing machine and a meat smoker for salmon...going to be smoki g salmon this weekend. We also found a dog! The boys wanted a dog bad. We've had a cpyple of pretty good days so I'm hoping this trend continues. Life's an adventure, not a...