Why I'm not keeping up with the Kardashians!!!!!
The Kardashians are a glamorized, highly publicized, and an idealistic version of the modern day 'Jonses'. Ok minsus, sex changes, alcoholism and big butts. Why do we as Americans watch this show anyway? I have watched this show a few times, I have a weakness for reality T.V. what can I say? For me the reason why I watch this show is just for the simple fact that these people have problems too. Just because they have millions of dollars doesn't buy them a free ticket to a problem free existence and that makes me in some small way feel better about my life, wow did I really just admit that!? Some of what they go through feels very staged but in a way they are just a typical family underneath it all. While we might be able to relate to them in some ways, we all can't live that lifestyle. We have what I like to refer to as 'iwantitis' we want what everyone else has. The latest iPhone, the bigger house, the more impressive car, the latest tech gad...