The Kardashians are a glamorized, highly publicized, and an idealistic version of the modern day 'Jonses'. Ok minsus, sex changes, alcoholism and big butts. Why do we as Americans watch this show anyway? I have watched this show a few times, I have a weakness for reality T.V. what can I say? For me the reason why I watch this show is just for the simple fact that these people have problems too. Just because they have millions of dollars doesn't buy them a free ticket to a problem free existence and that makes me in some small way feel better about my life, wow did I really just admit that!? Some of what they go through feels very staged but in a way they are just a typical family underneath it all. While we might be able to relate to them in some ways, we all can't live that lifestyle. We have what I like to refer to as 'iwantitis' we want what everyone else has. The latest iPhone, the bigger house, the more impressive car, the latest tech gadget but living this way is not going to buy happiness. It will keep you in debt, working long hours, paying for a house you only sleep in, financing a car you practically live in and providing for a family you rarely see. Is this happiness?
What if we could change our mindset? Sc$#@ the Jonses!!!! Do the Jonses pay your bills? No! Focus on your own life, your own dreams, and your own goals, I changed my mindset. I used to care about what others thought about me. Now, the older I get the more free I feel, and I hope that transcends into my blogs and other work. I kind of speak my mind and am little more brash and realistic rather than idealistic. Now that doesn't mean that I'm not optimistic....omg that sounded like a hip hop song, sorry about that. The point is, you can have a better life and be happier if you shift your mind set! Stop caring so much about what others are going to think and live your life. Do what makes you happy. The money will come. If you find a way to make money doing what you truly love that to me is true happiness.
For me 2016 is all about new beginnings...making changes, tying up lose ends, saving money, building on what I started and finishing projects. I tend to take on too much at once so I'm definitely going to prioritize and try to be on more of a schedule. And decide what's working, what's not and emphasize my strengths rather than weaknesses.
I don't care anymore what the Jonses are doing or the Kardashians for that matter. As long as my family is taken care of, I'm doing the best I can everyday to make tomorrow better, I am on the right track and I'm happy, that's all that matters. I'm just having faith, working hard and trying to save as much money as I possibly can. Here are some of the things I've been doing to save money and live better.
Some tips for saving in 2016
1) Buying used (stop yourself from buying that $2000 sectional) that same one might be on craigslist for $200. Save yourself $1800.
2) Go out to eat less, (I was spending $600 a month on just groceries now about $400) how much is dinner out? $60??? I can practically buy a weeks worth of groceries for that much. Try to eat at home more. If you work at home this is easy. If you work outside the home try bringing leftovers for lunch instead of frequenting the drive thru.
3) Buy used but gently worn clothing. I buy most of my clothing used. I use websites like, ebay, swap.com, and Thred Up. I also frequent thrift stores, consignment stores and yard sales. I still wear nice, name brand clothing, those who know me would call me a bit of a fashionista.
4) Reduce your flexible monthly bills and expenses. Switch companies, compare prices.
5) Save up for large purchases like a car, electronics or furniture
6) Pay yourself first. Make sure necessities are taken care of first always put some money away for a rainy day.
7) Trick yourself into saving. For me this is putting change in a jar. Change to me doesn't feel like real money so I'm less likely to spend it. Also, when you go to the bank if you are having a hard time saving money. Ask for that amount you want to save per month in change. Want to save $100....Ask for it in quarters then add it to your change fund. If you do this you will probably have over $2000 saved at the end of 12 months. It's amazing how it adds
8) Focus on your monthly bills that can be negotiated or reduced. Things like cable, entertainment and even car insurance can be reduced. Can you live without cable and just have Netflix? Can you switch insurance companies? Maybe entertainment will be less eating out or movies out? The less expenses you have the more financially free you will be.
9) Find ways to not only save money but also focus on bringing in extra money. If you are a stay at home mom then you have time on your side. Can you sell on eBay? I've been selling on eBay for years and it's a great way to bring in an extra paycheck. Do you write? Take on some side gigs for people that need work done but lack time to do it. Sign up for a freelance virtual assistant job. There are so my companies that hire V.A's it is a win-win situation. You do a project for them, you get paid. They save money by hiring per project rather than taking on a new employee full time. Sell on craigslist flip furniture....there are so many things you can do to bring in extra money. You can afford to be a stay at home mom, you just might not realize it yet. See my other blogs for more money making, money saving and work at home ideas