Safeway Coupon Match-ups 7/1-7/7
New to shopping at Safeway? Start here: Safeway store policies Coupon lingo Safeway Catalina Coupon Offers and catalinas explained . Remember to PACE YOURSELF when building a stockpile ! Load your Safeway savings card with coupons and personalized Just4U coupons Learn about Safeway’s Just4U coupon program Need coupons? You can print some , get a newspaper subscription , or use a coupon clipping service ! Learn all the secrets to successful couponing in our 90 minute DVD ! Use coupon code BECKY to save 50%! Thanks for supporting Fabulessly Frugal by printing your coupons HERE ! It’s just one way to keep the deals coming! KEY: ★- means the price is better than generic/wholesale/mass store prices! ★ – means this is when we stock up!!! {aka Extreme Couponing… done right } If we don’t star an item but it’s listed here, that means it is around th...