List of companies that give out FREE product coupons!
Update (5/13/11): Kindly keep in mind that this post is now over 1 year old. Not all of the information below is still accurate and should only be used as a guide. Reader Maureen caught a story last week on CBS 3 news here in Philadelphia talking about the Coupon Mom. (Have you entered my giveaway for a FREE copy of the Coupon Mom’s book ?!) Anyway, a really cool part of the story/article is the massive list they posted… it is a list of companies that will mail out free product and other high value coupons in response to email and/or website requests! Bookmark this post for sure- then come back to it when you’re bored and sign up for a few more. Your mailbox will be bursting with freebies before you know it! Organic and Natural Food Companies That Mail Free Coupons in Response to E-Mail Requests: Alexia Amy’s Apple & Eve Arrowhead Mills Born Free/Radlo Foods...