Stocking your freezer at the lowest possible price! Save 50-80%

One question that a lot of readers have is "how do I save on meat?" Here are some money saving tips to reduce your grocery bill by 50%-80%

There's a misconception that there are never meat coupons. There are! You just have to know where to look. On ebay I purchased some Tyson chicken coupons for $37...Before you gasp....Let's do the math and I will show you how this is a great deal.
(12) coupons for a free pack of chicken up to $12

$144-($37price of the coupons)= $107 so it is like getting over $100 worth of meat free!!!!

When you do have coupons for meat use them on the cheapest (smallest) packs and buy several and use one coupon on each. 

Check out coupon clipping services for free product coupons. Ebay has lots of free product coupons for meat and frozen products.

Ask for coupons from manufacturers. If you love a product send the company an email and tell them how much you love their product. A few kind words go a long! (this applies to everything in life) ;)

Here's some links to more money saving tips. 


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