Safeway Sales and coupon match-ups 6/08/11 - 6/14/11

Safeway Coupons

Safeway Coupons and Deals Match Up for 6/08/11 - 6/14/11 

Coupon Match Up 6/08/11 - 6/14/11:

Include the store name on your printable list by clicking on the Title Line below!
These deals may be applicable at Safeway, Dominck's, Vons, Carr's, Randall's Genuardi's, Tom Thumb, and other Safeway-owned stores
Use $1/$5 Produce purchase coupon found at the customer service desk or at the front door. 

Less:$1/2 General Mills Cereals 5/15/2011 SS Insert (exp 6/25/2011) 
Final Price: $1.33

Less:$1/1 Sabra Item 
Final Price: $2 each wyb 2

Less:$1/2 Tropicana Trop50 Flavors 5/22/2011 RP Insert (exp 7/31/2011) 
Final Price: As low as $2.50

Less:$1.50/1 Huggies Diapers 6/12/2011 SS Insert (exp 7/9/2011) 
or:$1.50/1 Huggies Diapers (IE)  Printable (FF)
or:$3/1 Huggies Diapers IP- no longer available
Final Price: $16.49 or $15.99 if you were able to print the $3/1
Note: Make sure to buy specially marked CARS packages and Click Here.  You can get free Cars 2 Movie tickets or $10 Visa prepaid card.

Final Price: Varies- Match this q with any you may have for a great deal on batteries. 

Note: If you sent off the Organize in Style booklet this month, it has $1/1 q's for these two items. 

Less:$0.35/1 Tide Laundry Detergent 6/5/2011 P&G Insert (exp 7/31/2011) 
Final Price: $4
Note: If you have purchased any of the P&G products with coupons inside like the Charmins, there is a $3/1 Tide Free & Clear.

Less:$1/4 Lean Cuisine Product 5/1/2011 SS Insert (exp 8/7/2011)
Final Price: $1.74 each wyb 4

Less:$1/1 KC Masterpiece Barbecue Sauce or Marinade 5/15/2011 SS Insert (exp 7/17/2011) 
and:$2/1 Pork Ribs WYB KC Masterpiece BBQ Sauce 
Final Price: Free and $2 off pork

Less:$0.50/3 Rosarita Beans 5/5/2011 SS Insert (exp 6/11/2011) 
Final Price: $.67 each wyb 3

Not all items are advertised, so please leave a comment on any great unadvertised deal you find! 
Less:$1/1 Snyder's of Hanover Flavored Pretzel Pieces 5/22/2011 SS Insert (exp 7/31/2011) 
or:$1/1 Snyder's of Hanover Pretzel Sandwiches 5/22/2011 SS Insert (exp 7/31/2011) 
Final Price: $1.69

Less:$0.55/1 Ball Park Buns 
or:$0.55/1 Ball Park Buns 5/1/2011 RP Insert (exp 6/4/2011) 
or:$0.55/1 Ball Park Buns 5/1/2011 RP Insert (exp 6/4/2011) 
Final Price: $.69 each

Less: $1/2 Ritz or Ritz Bitz Crackers 
Final Price: $1.99 each wyb 2

Less:$0.50/2 Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks 5/1/2011 SS Insert (exp 6/25/2011) 
or:$0.50/2 Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks 4/17/2011 SS Insert (exp 6/11/2011) 
or: $0.50/2 Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks 
Final Price: $1.00 each wyb 2

Less:$1/3 Knorr Rice and Pasta Sides 5/22/2011 RP Insert (exp 6/19/2011) 
or:$0.50/2 Knorr Pasta and Rice Sides 5/22/2011 RP Insert (exp 7/30/2011) 
Final Price: As low as $.29 each wyb 2

Less:$1.50/2 Folgers Any Product 5/22/2011 RP Insert (exp 7/30/2011) 
or:$0.25/1 Folgers Product 5/22/2011 RP Insert (exp 7/30/2011) 
Final Price: As low as $3.25 ea. wyb 2

Less: $1/2 Nestle Purelife Purified Water 5/1/2011 SS Insert (exp 6/12/2011) 
Final Price: $2.79 each wyb 2

Less:$1/1 All Laundry Detergent 6/5/2011 RP Insert (exp 7/17/2011) 
or:$1/1 All Laundry Detergent 
or:$1/1 All Free Clear Oxi-Active Laundry Detergent 
Final Price: $2.49

Less:$0.75/1 Snuggle Fabric Softener Liquid or Dryer Sheet 6/5/0201 RP Insert (exp 7/17/2011) 
or: $1/1 Snuggle Fabric Softener
Final Price: As low as $2.49

Less:B1G1 Purina Beggin Products 5/8/2011 SS Insert (exp 8/8/2011)
or:$1/2 Purina Beggin' Products 3/20/2011 SS Insert (exp 6/20/2011) 
Final Price: As low as $1.25 each wyb 2; if you have 2 BOGO q's you can pair them with the $1/2 and get 4 for $4.

Less: $1/2 Pillsbury Italian Meal Breads 4/17/2011 SS Insert (exp 7/9/2011) 
or:$0.40/2 Pillsbury Italian Meal Breads 4/17/2011 SS Insert (exp 7/9/2011) 
Final Price: As low as $1.49 each

Less:$1/1 Starbucks Ice Cream pints 5/22/2011 RP Insert (exp 6/19/2011) 
or:$1/2 Starbucks Ice Cream 
or:$0.75/1 Starbucks Ice Cream 
Final price: As low as $1.99

Less:$1/2 King's Hawaiian Products 4/17/2011 RP Insert (exp 6/19/2011) 
or: $0.50/1 King's Hawaiian Sandwich Buns, Mini Sub Roll All You June 2011 (exp 8/31/2011) 
Final Price: As low as $.99

Less: $0.75/1 Fisher Boy Product 
Final Price: $2.74

Less: $1/1 Pedigree any Dentastix Treats for Dogs 5/1/2011 RP Insert (exp 6/12/2011) 
Final Price: $1.50

Less:$.50/1 French's Spicy Brown, Honey, Horseradish, Honey Dijon, or Dijon Mustard 4/10/2011 SS Insert (exp 6/10/2011)
or:$0.50/1 French's Spicy Brown or Honey Mustard 5/15/2011 SS Insert (exp 7/15/2011)
or:$.75/1 French's Spicy Brown or Honey Mustard 5/15/2011 SS Insert (exp 7/15/2011)
Final Price: As low as $.29 to FREE for some of you. 

Less:$1/1 Orville Redenbacher's Pop Up Bowls All You Apr 2011(exp 7/1/2011) 
or:$0.55/1 Orville Redenbacher's Gourmet Popping Corn Po 4/17/2011 SS Insert (exp 6/15/2011) 
or:$1/2 Orville Redenbacher's Gourmet Popping Corn Pop Up Bowl 4/17/2011 SS Insert (exp 6/15/2011) 
Final price: as low as $.99

Less: $1/2 General Mills Cheerios Cereals Cellfire eCoupons 
or:$1/2 General Mills Cereal 5/8/2011 SS Insert (exp 6/18/2011) 
Final Price: $1.49 each wyb 2

Less:$1.50/2 Kraft Salad Dressing 5/15/2011 RP Insert (exp 6/12/2011) 
or:$1/2 Kraft Dressing 5/15/2011 RP Insert (exp 8/12/2011) 
or: $1/2 Kraft Salad Dressing 5/15/2011 RP Insert (exp 6/12/2011) 
Final Price: As low as $1.24 each

Hamburger Helper
Less:$0.75/3 Hamburger, Tuna or Chicken Helper 4/17/2011 SS Insert (exp 6/11/2011) 
or:$0.75/3 Hamburger, Tuna, or Chicken Helper 5/1/2011 SS Insert (exp 6/25/2011) 
or:$0.75/3 Hamburger Helper, Tuna Helper or Chicken 6/12/2011 SS Insert (exp 8/6/2011) 
Final Price: $.74 each wyb 3

Note: Watch for peelies for $1/2 to make these $.49 each

Note: Watch for BOGO q's at your local gas stations.  Cashier should take off the card price of $1.29 meaning you get 2 for $.29.

Less: $0.75/2 Yoplait Go-Gurt, Trix, or Splitz Yogurt 
or: $0.75/2 Yoplait Go-Gurt, Trix, or Splitz Yogurt 
or:$1.00/2 Yoplait Go-Gurt or Trix Multipack 4/17/2011 SS Insert (exp 6/11/2011) 
Final Price: As low as $1.19 each wyb 2

Less:$0.35/1 Odwalla Juice or Bar All You June 2011 (exp 10/1/2011) 
or:$0.35/1 Odwalla Juice or Bar All You Apr 2011 (exp 8/15/2011) 
or: $0.55/1 Odwalla Juice, Juice Drink or Smoothie 
Final price: As low as $.49

Less:$0.75/1 Yoplait Frozen Smoothie 6/5/2011 SS Insert (exp 7/30/2011) 
or: $1/1 Yoplait Frozen Smoothie 
Final Price: As low as $1.49

Less:$1/1 Magnum Ice Cream 5/22/2011 RP Insert (exp 7/30/2011) 
Final Price: $1.99

Less: $1/2 Skinner Quick Cook 
Final Price: $.58 for 2

If you need extra coupons, be sure to check out our Grocery Coupon pages:,Smart Source and Red Plum.


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