Winco Deals as of 6/21 {CHEAP Pillsbury Cake and Brownie Mix, Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs & MORE} June 22, 2011

Winco Deals as of 6/21 {CHEAP Pillsbury Cake and Brownie Mix, Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs & MORE}

June 22, 2011
(Photo courtesy of Winco)
Here are the FAB deals this week at Winco! These prices come from the Fairview/Milwaukee store in Boise. Prices and deals vary by store. If you find a good deal, please share it and the store you found it at. If you are new to shopping at Winco, please keep in mind that Winco does not publish a weekly ad or have a sales schedule, so you never know how long their sales last.
Check out their NEW Coupon Policy! Print a copy for your coupon binder!
– means the price is better than generic/wholesale/mass store prices!
– means this is when we stock up!!!
If we don’t star an item but it’s listed here, that means it is still a better deal than you would get at a superstore on any given day.

New Deals:

 Pillsbury Brownie Mix $.98
Use $.55/1 printable coupon (if you can’t find it through our link, open a new window & type in
Final price $.43
 Pillsbury Brownie Mix $.89
Use $.55/1 printable coupon
Final price $.34
 Pillsbury Frosting $1.36
Use $.55/1 printable coupon
Final price $.81
★ Hytop Freezer Pops 100 ct $2.88
 Challenge Butter Spread $1.54 
Use $1/1 printable coupon or $.55/1 printable coupon (no longer available)
Final price as low as $.54
★ Mahatma Brown Rice $1.21 
Use $.75/1 RP-5/1
Final price $.46 each
 Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs $.98
Buy 2
Use $1/2 printable coupon
Final price $.48 each!
★ White Peaches $.98/lb
Lays Chips $1.98
★ Nabisco Snack Crackers $1.88 
Buy 2
Use $1/2 SS-6/19 (regional)
Final price $1.38 each
Strawberries 1 lb $1.78
Strawberries 4 lb $6.98
Hytop Gallon and Quart Storage Bags 20 ct $.98
Henry Weinhard’s Rootbeer or Cream Sodas 6 pk $4.18 (While I get that’s a lot of $$ for soda, this is a great price if you’re a fan)
Red Baron Deep Dish Singles $2.98Use $.75/1 SS-6/5
Final price $2.23
Richwood 1/3lb Hamburger Patties 8 ct $6.98
Wishbone Dressings $1.48
Buy 2
Use $.75/2 printable coupon
Final price $1.11 each
Valbest Drumsticks $.98/lb
Pork Riblets $1.48/lb
Hawaiian’s Own Juice Concentrate $.82
Coke 20 pk $4.98
Kingsford Charcoal $6.98
Buy 1 20 pk Coke and 1 bag Kingsford Charcoal
Use $1/1 peelies on the Coke
Use $2/1 peelies WYB both Coke & charcoal
Final price$8.96 for both


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