Paid $6.36 total for $87 worth of loot @ CVS!

I just went in for dish soap and hand soap. But found a HUGE clearance sale on Netrogenia, Loreal and Wet N Wild makeup I couldn't pass up. I wish I had my coupon binder on hand but oh well I was in a hurry...what's new. ;) Here's how I got all this so cheap...

1st Transaction

Soft soap (3) On sale for $2 each this week and had (2) $1 off coupons and one Extra Care buck. Came to $3+ tax, then I got back $3 in Extra Care bucks. So I really paid only tax for the soft soap.

2nd Tranaction

Palmolive (3) .89 each

Loreal Mascara .60 each x2
Wet N Wild lip gloss .30 each x2
Rimmel Mineral makeup foundation x2
Maybeliive lipstick .30
Neutrogena Powder $1

Total came to $9 and some change. Used my $3 in Extra Care Bucks from 1st transaction and $6.36 in cash.


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