Sunday Coupon Insert Preview 10/16/11: 4 Inserts!

Sunday Coupon Insert Preview 10/16/11: 4 Inserts!

by KITTY on OCTOBER 12, 2011

You should be looking for up to 4 inserts in this Sunday’s newspapers 10/16/11 : (1) Procter and Gamble, (1) SmartSource, (1) RedPlum and (1) Target Unilever! I know these have been slightly different from region to region lately and you may not get all of these but this is what we are seeing right now.
If you head over to our Coupon Database and Click on the Drop Down Box that says"Source Date" you will see that you can check out the 10/02/11 mfg. coupon. Please remember - if you buy your newspaper at a store CHECK your inserts BEFORE you pay to make sure you get what you are paying for :)
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