Creative Way To Save (trick yourself into saving)

Is one of your new years resolutions to save more?  If it is, here are some creative ways to save for a rainy day, that vacation your dreaming about, your next big purchase.

$ Get a water bottle! No, not that kind. A 5 gallon water cooler bottle. If you don't have access to one you could ask someone who has a water cooler, get one at work ( ask first), or purchase one at the a store like Winco, for example.
At the end of everyday dump in all of your loose change. This is like a savings account, but its a way to trick yourself into saving. When the bottle is full take it to your bank and cash out. Even if you just put all pennies in the bottle you would have upwards of $300 when the bottle is full. If you put in all your change you would have a pretty substanial amount of money to work with
)...more than enough for a nice getaway, new furniture, to pay off debt or whatever you are saving for...( mine is half full as I'm writing this)


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