Mommies (mis)adventures in.....Facebook
Facebook.....we all use it and love it ( for the most part). We log in and see one post of our kinda friends beautifully dressed daughters on a near daily basis. These poor girls do they ever just play and get dirty? We see our old neighbors best friends cousin on her latest " much needed" vaca the forth time so far this year. We wonder how one friend is doing since we never see her updates anymore and think ok shes been busy, only to realize she posted three times today.( oh the joys of facebook). Ok, so why am I posting this you may ask. I just read an article in a Ladies Home Journal about how fake everyone is on facebook and realized how this transcends into real life. Why can't we just all be real and stop this vicious cycle of trying to one up each other on facebook...there I said it! I will be the first to admit I am not Martha freaking Stewart! I made cupcakes today that turned out like brownies ( which was actually even better) my kids are not random snap shot ready and facebook approved every second. My three year old may or may not be running around with his underwear on his head as I write this, I may or may not have my hair in a pony tail with no makeup, Ok, ok, so everyone is asleep in my house right now, even the dogs, but the point is not every moment is perfect...nor are any one of our lives always perfect. We can't be superhuman. We are just moms trying to juggle the crazy misadventures of parenthood. Lets just be real and be supportive of each other because we are all going through the same things.
Here's a link to my inspiration for this post....thank you Sarah Tuttle-Singer
Here's a link to my inspiration for this post....thank you Sarah Tuttle-Singer