For those of your who have never blogged, or bloggers that have been blogging for years. This is a must read if you are either curious about how bloggers generate income or if you would like to get started blogging but you have no idea where to start. Like the author, Ruth Soukup, I started blogging around the same time. While I have learned a lot through trial and error. I don't have anywhere near the expertise this author does. The author has a website called Living Well Spending Less which I have been following for years. I stubbled upon her youtube videos on couponing (she started as a coupon blogger just like I did). Maybe I should have started a youtube channel back then? Oh well, you live and learn.
As I was on Pintrest (which I swear is my fav website ever) I stumbled upon her income reports one day and was instantly sold on this book, I went to Amazon and purchased it immediately. (She makes around $10,000 a month, actually a lot of bloggers do).
Likes and dislikes about this book...
I did like that she included a lot of useful topics like Pintrest and finding advertisers.
I liked that it walked you through the main steps of starting a blog
I did like that she hit on the design element and how that comes into play with the whole overall functionaity of a blog.
I have used some one her ideas for driving traffic, which I really think have worked.
I really wish it was more in depth on DIY blogging. I do most of the work myself. I haven't hired a designer for this. I do everything through trial and error. I do everything with my own two hands, well that and some help from youtube.
I really wish there was more on wordpress and how to monetize with wordpress. I am just starting a blog mommiesfrugalfinds.com using wordpress and the only thing I'm still confused about are how to monetize using wordpress. Which she uses for livingwellspendingless.com
Overall I would give this book a 4 out of 5 stars, It's perfect for the beginning blogger just starting out, or maybe someone with just an idea for a blog. This could take your idea to the next level.
While I have never personallly met Ruth, maybe someday at a convention who knows, she seems like such a sweet and sincere mom blogger who made it big. I could only dream of being in her shoes someday.
On a side note: she says in the book that people would laugh when she told them what she did for a living (I'm a blogger) and would roll their eyes. Who's laughing now? She's laughing all the way to the bank. She makes literally thousands a week with her blog and other projects.
I think blogging is so "new age" that a lot of people don't understand that there are so many ways to generate an income from a blog (either directly or indirectly). Blogging is one platform out there that can take really any business to the next level.
Check out my other blog bringingmomshome.blogspot.com for more on making money blogging as well as other business opportunities for moms.