I was looking at a pic of my oldest son the other day and thought to myself. Look at that smile! Not a care in the world. He radiates geniune happiness and loves life. I think as adults we get caught up in making money and working at a job we often times hate. We trade our precious time for a few bucks, are on a schedule and never spend enough time, well, really living. No not existing.... But really living. And by that I mean enjoying what you are spending your time doing, everyday. Living with purpose, with fulfillment.
So how do you live 'like a four year old'?
Don't let the little things bother you. I spent too much of my life overanalyzing stupid things like, why did that person say this or do that. I've come to the realization that the only persons actions I can control are my own. How I react to the things people do make all the difference.
Make time to do something that brings you joy everyday. Whether that means taking a walk after dinner, playing with your kids outside doing cartwheels on the lawn, put on a pair of roller skates or just allow yourself to indulge in a bubble bath and read a magazine.
Don't let your life be all work and no play. This past year I have been on kind of a spirtual and personal journey. I have a lot of goals that I'v been putting off for years that I only this year, started really pursuing. Most of my goals have been financial and business related so this next year (2016) I'm making it a point to find more balance, not work less but just enjoy life more.
Take time for friendships. This is something I'm guilty of not doing as much as I should. I need to take more time out for friends. I find that picking up the phone and talking with a friend you haven't talked to in a while really helps your mental mindset. Or meeting up for lunch.
Enjoy little moments and little victories. If you want to really enjoy life. View life though the eyes of a child! Kids light up when they accomplish little victories like catching a ball or putting a puzzle together. Why not enjoy little victories too? We as adults put so much pressure on ourselves to do better, have more, buy a bigger house, t.v or car. Celebrate the little things like getting your daily to-do list done or finishing that project you've been putting off.
Do what you love. If you are working at a job you hate find a way to transition into doing what you love. Find a way to make a living doing what you love. For me this is writing and making things. I write to help people. I feel like that is my calling and purpose on this earth. I remember working jobs I hated just to make a living and it was literally soul crushing. Everyday I would wake up feeling like a robot, like I was living life on autopilot just going though the motions. Now I own my time i make money the way I want to. Could I be making more money working at a job I hate, yes! But being happy is more important than money. You could be the richest person in the world, but if you aren't happy or living with purpose then it is really worth nothing. I came to the realization that after the calculations (cost of working outside of the home) I realized my actual take home pay was $600 a month. To have someone else raise my kids for a lousy $600 a month and be a grouchy, worn down, tired, unhappy mom. It just didn't make since. It's actually pretty easy to make $600 a home check out my other blog bringingmomshome.blogspot.com for more on this subject.
Help others. Kids have such open hearts and are full of compassion. My oldest son has such a tender heart. He notices when someone needs help. He asks me questions about people he sees that are down on their luck. And I think he's old enough to understand. He likes to help and says things like "mom, that person needs a coat on" or "do you think that person wants a cheeseburger"? He is a smart little cookie.
Do you find joy in helping or serving others? Why not find joy, by bringing it to others. Do someone small everyday to make a difference. This Christmas Eve I fed a homeless man in my neighborhood. I try to makr it a point to think about people who are in a bad situation. After my divorce I was once there. Here I was with no car or house, two kids under 3 and $100 to my name. That was almost two years ago. I lived at a womens shelter for a few weeks and with my mom. Thank god it was only briefly but that was such a humbling and scary experience. Through a series of events. A sweet friend of mine gave me an old car that she wasn't using.I also met my current boyfriend who started out as a good friend that has helped me so much along the way. I'm forver grateful for the things he's done for my boys and I. I wss able to find a job and a place and through working hard and never looking back life is so much better. I just look at people who are homeless differently now. I'm only one person so I can't help everyone,but i do try to pay it forward when I can. I think there is no greater joy than feeling useful and helping someone in need.
Happy new year!!!! Hope you have joyful and prosperious 2016!