Don’t impulse buy
If you see something you love in a store and can’t seem to live without it, but the price tag just doesn’t sit well, do this. Take a pic of the item and brand. When you go home do some comparison shopping. Once you get home you might even forget about it and that will save you a whopping 100% buy not buying it. Shop online if you would be willing to buy it used to save up to 80% off! I know I would. I like to compare prices. You can even use a price comparison app like shopsavvy to see if the item is cheaper online or you can even check out Amazon or websites like and So that $100 jacket from Macy’s could be $40 online…that’s a pretty big savings. Bonus: Look for for coupon codes at websites like for percent off and free shipping codes. Also, re-set your browser to a website like swagbucks to make money back on items you purchase online. You can get free gift cards for Target, Starbucks and more!
Shop with a plan
You make a list when you grocery shop. Why not shop with a plan when you shop for clothes. Go through your clothing and inventory what you have and what you need. Piece together outfits in your closet to see what you are lacking and what you have in excess. This will save you big and you will be able to buy only what you need.
Shop at consignment stores
Consignment stores are great to find very gently used items for up to 80% off or more. Most of these stores only take the best items that are in style and in good used condition, clean, free of stains, rips and tears.
Yard Sales
Don’t over look yard sales for clothing. You might be looking for something else like a bookshelf or lamp, but think outside of the box and look for clothing. $1 shirts and purses? Yes please! I’ve found all kinds of name brand items for pennies on the dollar.
Shop early, the early bird get’s the worm right? This applies to yard sales too, beat the crowd and get first pick.
Map your route to hit the most yard sales without wasting gas driving in circles.
Negotiate, why not ask for a discount? Sometimes I will come across a box of boys clothing and instead of rooting through a huge box I might make an offer for the whole box. Whatever my kids won’t use I can re-sell so it’s a win-win.
Learn how to sew.
Sewing is not just for grandmas. I love to sew and I can honestly say this skill is invaluable. If you have a zipper that breaks you don’t have to throw out your favorite skirt or if you need to replace a button no biggie, you can find a great designer piece that no one wants that was once loved but maybe has a rip in the seam, why not repair and wear? You can also make clothing for your kids, make costumes, sew home décor items like curtains or make pillows. You can even make a business out of it.
Ebay is an often overlooked place to buy clothes these days with so many online options I think a lot of us don't think to use ebay anymore. I recently bought a pair of American Eagle jeans on here for $4.99. I’ve seen some amazing deals on clothing, if you aren’t squeamish about buying used it's a great way to get designer clothing for at least 50% off or more.
I love Ross! Ross is my go-to spot for last minute event dresses. I have been able to find super cute name brand dresses for as low as $8.99. I’ve seen tanks and summery tops for as low as $2.99. Be sure to have some time on your hands because you will need to sort though a lot of items to find the goldmine. Always check out the clearance sections of the store too. You can find some amazing deals for very little cash.
Ever think to shop Craigslist for clothes? Craigslist is a good resource for all things used. I’ve seen bags of clothing sold as a lot of here for as low as $20-$30 or even kids clothing and shoes. It’s a great place to unload your unwanted clothing items too. Just group sizes together to get the most bang for your buck. I don’t know about you but I can’t spend time taking a bunch of individual pics. I fold the clothing up nicely, take a few pics from different angles and list. No fees and a time saver!
Thrift Stores
I love thrift stores! Every time I go I feel like a kid on a treasure hunt. It’s so amazing what you can find, for basically pennies on the dollar. Here’s a tip:
Never judge a book by it’s cover
There’s a thrift store in my area that I would often drive by but never stopped in because from the looks of the outside I didn’t think it was my kind of store. It looks old, cluttered and nothing outside looks appealing This is an example of a page. Well, one day recently I decided to go in and I was blown away by the things I found! How about nice designer shirts for .50. Some of the shirts were a size up but I’m going to alter those (see where sewing skills come in handy?). I also found a brand new bed set with all the pillows for $30. I was able to negotiate and get it for $20, it’s doesn’t hurt to ask right? All they can say is no! I also found a set of old fashioned malt mugs for .50 each and some Toms glittery shoes for $1. See my hauls on youtube. I have two channels mommas2monkeys and mommiesfrugalfinds. I do Dollar Tree and thrift hauls as well as money saving and money making tips and more.
Dollar Stores
What?! I thought this was about saving on clothing you might be saying to yourself! It’s is. Here are some clothing items you can find at dollar stores.
Flip flops
Plain basic t-shirts (perfect for projects too)
Bars and panties (some dollar stores like .99 stores)
Buy off season
Buy when the price is right and the demand is low. I just bought my boys Teva’s for summer for $9.99 and $7.99 on ebay. I bought a size up for both. I’m just going to put them away for warmer days ahead. They will get a ton of use out of these this summer I’m sure. These are so versatile. I have one pair I’ve had for about 10 years and they still look new. If you buy quality you can get a lot of use out of your clothing and shoes.
I hope this helped give you some ideas of ways you can save hundreds on clothing every year! More articles like this to come as well as haul videos.