7 Night Resort Stay from World Resorts International Only $399 ($1500 Value)
Groupon: 7 Night Resort Stay from World Resorts International Only $399 ($1500 Value)
This Hip2Save.com Deal was hand-posted on Monday, May 30th, 2011 at 9:46 am.
Wow! If you are looking to take a vacation on the cheap, then this may be the offer for you! For a very limited time, you can head over to Groupon and snatch up a 7 night resort stay at any of World Resorts International 500+ participating resorts for just $399 (a $1500 value!). Choose a resort in the United States, Canada or even Mexico. Although there are over 5,000 resorts in the World Resorts International network, only approximately 500 resorts are participating in this Groupon. Keep in mind that there is absolutely no “timeshare” pitch/sales presentation involved and there will be no additional fees, taxes, etc. Depending upon the particular occupancy for the participating resort you’ve selected, each room is unique and may allow anything from 2-8 people (the resort fee is a flat fee, not per person fee).
Fine Print: Expires in 1 year; Limit 1 per person; Limit 1 per visit; Must redeem stay by 6/1/12; Once the Groupon for this Resort Stay is purchased, a redemption phone number and email address will be provided to you.