Wal-Mart back to school coupon match-ups and sales
New to shopping at Walmart? Start here:
- Walmart 101
- Walmart Shopping Tips
- Price Matching
- Print Walmart’s Coupon Policy and Ad Match Guarentee
- Prices listed come from 12th/Greenhurst store in Nampa, ID
Walmart Key
Because Walmart IS the generic/mass/superstore, the brown star on this match-up represents items on sale or (Rollback). These items are priced lower then the everyday price.
No star- Means ok price, pick it up if you’re there and you need it.
★ -Means item is currently on Rollback (sale). Grab a few, but wait for a better deal to stock up.
★ - Means awesome price! Stock up, buy only what you know you and your family will use 
Walmart School Supply Deals
Read more at http://fabulesslyfrugal.com/2012/08/walmart-deals-as-of-8612-free-bic-disposable-razors-pens-cheap-milk-creamer-coke-brownie-mix-lysol-glade-and-more.html#YAe67epBZ3hjlQcr.99